More than a story of taste, a story of people

This is our story


Born and raised in Cameroon in the Center of Africa, Richard has always been passionate in sciences especially life sciences and nature and ultimately graduated as industrial engineer in Chemistry/Biochemistry.

Linked to that passion and since already a young boy, Richard has been passionate about discovering new flavors and tastes… about mixing known ones to release their ultimate intrinsic power to rock taste buds and nourish the bodies.

Initially started with food, this passion finally brought him to drinks and as nothing is tastier than something shared with Friends and Family, Richard home slowly turned into a bar and his kitchen into a lab to create day after day the most perfect set of mixes…

Working in the industry during the day… experimenting, mixing, pouring, sipping, grinding, weighing, etc. during the night and the weekend, he has slowly and surely turned himself into the crazy fool behind some of the most iconic Matunda drinks.

His word to you who read : “Itadakimasu!” (cf. Toriko!)

Born in Rwanda raised in Belgium, strongly involved in personal health and well-being through nutrition and sport. He met Richard a long time on the school benches and it directly connected especially because of the common love for tasty drinks. Mostly grown people’s drinks 😀

Years later as a vegetarian and self-proclaimed healthy drinks expert and tastes with the obsession to share all kind of tastes het met the opportunity with Richard to create Matunda, a range of drinks with a special attention to have drinks with natural ingredients with low sugar and above all tasty!

Born in Belgium, Zakaria is a man of challenges and has the soul of a traveler. Meeting also Richard on school benches, he is an engineer focusing on client experiences and satisfactions. Being the witness of his first lab-drink experiences, he was one of the first people to believe that his findings must be shared with the world! 

Following the birth of Matunda on the sideline, he joined Richard and Cedric on this journey a few months later to help them on their mission: “To travel and inspire by tasting”.  

After all, life would be tasteless without some spices and flavors, and it is exactly what Matunda brings to him.   

His last word for you: “Close your eyes, taste and… Have a good trip!”.

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